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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Summertime and the Livin' is Easy!

Hello Summer!

Summertime and the Livin' is Easy!

Fish are jumpin' and the cotton is high

Yes, indeed, it was a very rough winter for most of you!  Summer weather is wonderful to enjoy!

How are your sales?

Are you heading into that venerable annual tradition: The Summer Sales Slump

When the calendar turns to July and August, most salespeople struggle to prospect because they believe that all of their prospects are on vacation. The fact is, the top 20% of salespeople still find ways to make their quotas in summer, and they also find ways to set up the end of the year so they exceed their revenue goals. 80% of their competition approach summer like they approach everything else in their sales career - they bluff their way through the summer season and hope to run into business.

"It's the middle of July. People don't buy things in July. It's too hot, they're not at the office, and so salespeople don't have to work." There's a French proverb that says, "He who makes excuses, accuses himself." - "Qui s'excuse s'accuse."  The choice is up to each salesperson. They can either make the excuse and say that people don't buy things in the summer or they can use the time more effectively than their competitors.

Smart companies use the summer months to improve their team's selling skills so they are sharp and ready to take advantage of the fourth quarter. The summer months provide a perfect time for salespeople to attend sales training. This is a wonderful opportunity for salespeople to separate themselves from the competition, and set themselves up for a record breaking autumn.

Summer is the perfect time to improve performance and 
knowledge through sales training.

  • Attend a sales training course and integrate what you see into your work.
  • Use this opportunity as a way catch your competitors while they're snoozing.

The choice is yours: You can either make the excuse and say that people don't buy things in the summer. Or you can use the time more effectively than your competitors.

Join our other Sales Pros!
We'll make it real easy for you this summer with our August sales training offer

Register 2 participants for our next Sales Pro PSS Public Session in Fort Myers, Florida August 20 & 21          
1st Participant - $1495 Regular Price            2nd Participant - Half Price - $747.50
August 20 & 21 Public Session Only

Listen to Norah Jones "Summertime"

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Does This Sound Familiar?

I was reminded today of an older church and evangelism story.  A traveling evangelist knocked on a door and was invited into a home. He seemed surprised to be sitting in the living room with the homeowners and their children politely gathered around.  The homeowner prompted the guest evangelist and said, "Well what do you have to share?" The evangelist said, "Well, I have never gotten this far... I am not quite sure..."

That is exactly how I felt when I answered a telephone call this morning from a Chamber of Commerce representative.  She asked if I had ever considered their fair city to do a program in.  Frankly, having recently looked for new options, I settled in to chat with the young lady.  I said that I would like to give a new venue consideration since my clients come in from around the country. I was surprised by the following opening/closing/ending/good bye! "Should I call you back in a few months to check in on you then?"
Are your sales people inches away from learning more yet too shy and untrained to take the ball and run with it?  That is exactly what happened for that Chamber of Commerce representative this morning. I wonder if I will even get a call back in a couple of months.  I doubt it.

We teach salespeople to help their prospects and customers to become more productive and profitable.  Are you a member of a Chamber of Commerce that is serving or not serving your community this way?  How about your own business? Do you serve your prospects and customers?

I would enjoy an opportunity to talk with you and to listen to the challenges that you face in the advancement of your sales.  My office number is 239-599-8408 and my email address is Jim@c4oe.com Join me on Linked-In Follow me on Twitter and Facebook.  View our Blog.  Visit our website