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Friday, September 28, 2012

Cold Calling: Changing Your Perspective

When we look at what actually happens - and can happen - during the cold call, we see why the cold call stage of the selling process is so potent and full of opportunity for the sales person.
When we stop looking at cold calling from the sales person's viewpoint and from the customer's viewpoint, and start seeing it from a business perspective, cold calling becomes a wonderful opportunity that anyone can enjoy and optimize:

How sales people typically see cold calling
How customers see cold calling done poorly
What successful cold calling should be
·       fearful
·       boring, repetitive
·       unpleasant
·       pressurized
·       unimaginative
·       rejections
·       thankless
·       confrontational
·       unproductive
·       demoralizing
·       unhappy
·       numbers game
·       nuisance
·       unwanted
·       indiscriminate,     unprepared
·       pressurizing
·       tricky, shifty
·       dishonest
·       reject, repel cold callers
·       shady, evasive
·       contrived
·       insulting
·       patronizing
·       disrespectful
·       honest/open
·       straightforward
·       interesting/helpful
·       different/innovative
·       thoughtful/reasoned
·       prepared/informed
·       professional/business-like
·       efficient/structured
·       respectful
·       enthusiastic/up-beat
·       informative/new
·       thought-provoking
·       time/cost-saving
·       opportunity/advantage
·       credible/reliable
·       demonstrable/referenced

Obviously the aim is to move cold calling behaviors and methods into the third column, and definitely to stop anything which produces the feelings and effects of the first and second columns.

This is partly achieved by changing methods and techniques - and in some cases adapting or using scripts quite differently - but more so changing attitude and style.

Changing attitude and style - behaving as a helpful strategic enabler rather than a deliverer of verbal junk-mail - will automatically start to re-shape your methods and techniques.

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