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Sunday, March 8, 2015

How do you manage poor sales performance?

Performance management makes up a significant part of every manager's job, and this means managers are required to deal with poor performance. Managers often view this as one of the less desirable responsibilities that come with their job.  Sales organizations react in different ways to poor sales performance. Do any of the following look familiar to you?

  • Some organizations will put a revolving door on the sales office for the poorer performers…the under performers either make the grade or they go. In fact, many larger organizations will adopt a process of forced ranking where the bottom 10% will be asked to improve within 3 months or find alternative employment either within or outside of their organization.
  • Some organizations will look at the sales team as a whole and maintain the performers, exceptional performers and under performers in the same environment, on the basis that they accept the bell curve model and appreciate that this is possibly as good as it gets.
  • Some organizations may invest heavily in the poor performers training, coaching, mentoring and offering additional support.
Every sales management team and business will have its own way of managing poor sales performance.

For every hundred men hacking away at the branches of a diseased tree, only one will stoop to inspect the roots.– Chinese proverb

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