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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Is Customer Indifference Hurting Your Business?

"We are very happy with our current provider and have no desire to change."

"Not right now. Check back with me in a year as things may have changed by then."

"I received all your material and have your contact information. When we have a chance to review it, we will give you a call."

"We already have a solution in place and don't plan on evaluating any new ones."

" I don't mean to cut you off but we're just not interested in any right now. Thank you." *click*

Do any of these sound familiar to you?

As soon as your competitors encounter indifference, they pack up their tents and head for home! Learn how to handle indifference NOW!

Customer Indifference - Deal with it!
When customers are indifferent to your offering it is often because they are satisfied or even complacent with their current situation and/or are unaware of your offering's potential for meeting their goals. Either way, the customer does not perceive a sufficient need and/or sufficient value in exploring and/or pursuing change.

The average salesperson's inability to handle customer indifference may be the greatest single factor contributing to your company's loss of productivity. Customer indifference is one of the most challenging situations salespeople encounter. 

Sales calls with indifference are more than two and a half times more likely to be failures than calls without indifference.   

Handling Customer Indifference
Our sales training program Sales Pro Professional Selling System (PSS) includes addressing Indifference. Participants will explore the reasons why customers may not express needs when they are indifferent and learn how to respond. 

Participants learn how to acknowledge the customer's point of view and gain agreement to probe. They then learn how to guide the conversation to create customer awareness of needs and present ways to address such needs.

Participants will learn how to:
* Acknowledge rather than gloss over customer indifference.
* Re-open the sales conversation in a way that expresses value to their customer.
* Use a four-stage probing strategy to identify opportunities with their customer and create mutual awareness that they can support.

Jim-Aug 2012
      Jim Ullery

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Sales Pro Professional Selling System

Sales professionals consistently ask one or two questions and begin to sell when they haven't really earned the right to open their briefcase. 

Sales Pro Professional Selling System requires shining the spotlight on the customer to find out what the customer needs, what the customer cares about, and what objectives the customer is trying to achieve.  A seller may need to ask more discovery questions than before, and even ask the tough questions about budget, risks and rewards that they've been afraid to ask in the past.

In our two-day program, participants apply a discipline on the use of skills they know work, yet have not fully optimized in their daily practice  Sales Pro Professional Selling System is specifically designed for sales professionals who want to improve their skills at building strong relationships and delivering outstanding value and results to their customers and back to their own organizations.

Need to Train a Large, Geographically Dispersed Sales Force?

For details and quotes, please call us at 239-599-8408 or email Jim@c4oe.com

Is Summer Sales Training a Good Idea?

When the calendar turns to July and August, most people struggle to prospect because they believe that all of their prospects are on vacation. The fact is, the top 20% of salespeople still find ways to make their quotas in summer, and they also find ways to set up the end of the year so they exceed their revenue goals. 80% of their competition approach summer like they approach everything else in their sales career - they bluff their way through the summer season and hope to run into business.

It’s the middle of August. People don’t buy things in August. It’s too hot, they’re not at the office, and so salespeople don’t have to work.” There’s a French proverb that says, “He who makes excuses, accuses himself.” – “Qui s'excuse s'accuse.”  The choice is up to each salesperson. They can either make the excuse and say that people don’t buy things in the summer or they can use the time more effectively than their competitors.

Smart companies use the summer months to improve their team's selling skills so they are sharp and ready to take advantage of the fourth quarter. The summer months provide a perfect time for salespeople to attend sales training. This is a wonderful opportunity for companuies to separate themselves from their competition, and set themselves up for a record breaking autumn.