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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Is Summer Sales Training a Good Idea?

When the calendar turns to July and August, most people struggle to prospect because they believe that all of their prospects are on vacation. The fact is, the top 20% of salespeople still find ways to make their quotas in summer, and they also find ways to set up the end of the year so they exceed their revenue goals. 80% of their competition approach summer like they approach everything else in their sales career - they bluff their way through the summer season and hope to run into business.

It’s the middle of August. People don’t buy things in August. It’s too hot, they’re not at the office, and so salespeople don’t have to work.” There’s a French proverb that says, “He who makes excuses, accuses himself.” – “Qui s'excuse s'accuse.”  The choice is up to each salesperson. They can either make the excuse and say that people don’t buy things in the summer or they can use the time more effectively than their competitors.

Smart companies use the summer months to improve their team's selling skills so they are sharp and ready to take advantage of the fourth quarter. The summer months provide a perfect time for salespeople to attend sales training. This is a wonderful opportunity for companuies to separate themselves from their competition, and set themselves up for a record breaking autumn.

1 comment:

sales training said...

How to Close and Sales Training are some of the most important items on your priority list if you wish to be successful in Selling!
The foundation in selling are very simple to follow and most will probably say, “Oh, I already know that” but selling has to have a solid foundation for long term success!
Selling takes a lot of enthusiasm, passion, drive and discipline if you want to pursue a career in it. You can be the best salesperson in the world but with no enthusiasm, passion, drive and discipline, you will only go so far!
This is why we developed HowToClose.com, we all need a place to get tips, to write questions and to help us to get closer to our next deal! We can help you nourish your selling skills by sharing experiences from others in different industries. We have different types of training techniques that you can use to help you with great tips on closing business that should help you become a better professional salesperson.
Our sales training techniques have proper guidance to teach you how to sell and how to close business.
Sales Training